Advancements of AI in Space Exploration
Decoding Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a fairly broad discipline in the computer science domain that entails simulation of human intelligence processes by smart machines. Imagine a scenario where machines were capable of taking an intelligent decision and producing desired results that earlier required human intelligence and intervention. This is what Artificial Intelligence is…
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Identifying the Mainstream IoT Security Challenges/ Some Prominent Challenges in the IoT Security Space
In today’s technologically progressive world, the internet has a huge role to play and is almost indispensable. Just think of the inconvenience you have to face when your Wi-Fi isn’t working, that’s the level of our dependence on the internet. As we move towards creating a robust digital platform for things, the connectivity and interdependence…
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3 Prominent IoT Trends That Will Shape the Future/ 3 Major IoT Trends for 2020
Ever since the internet came into existence, our life has been greatly influenced and shaped by the Internet of Things (IoT). We are reliant on the use of progressive technology for our day to day needs and the internet has been at the core of all prominent revolutionary technologies. IoT has helped mankind achieve an…
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IoT Transforming the Supply Chain Landscape
The modern trade and commerce have proliferated to another level with increasing globalisation. Managing supply chains is integral to the success of business enterprises. Supply chain management plays an important role in the success of a business venture. So what exactly is supply chain management? Let’s delve deeper into the subject to understand the intricacies…
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3 Prominent Benefits of Machine Learning in the Healthcare Domain
Understanding Machine Learning Machine Learning is a part of the bigger whole that we know as Artificial Intelligence. Machine Learning imparts systems with the ability to learn and improve from their own data processing experiences and gain meaningful insights from the datasets that can be used in real-life scenarios. It doesn’t require explicit programming for…
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Autonomous Vehicle Revolution Powered by IoT
Self-driving vehicles are the future of the transportation industry. It almost seems unbelievable that you would be able to ride vehicles without a driver on the front seat. This revolutionary change is powered by the Internet of Things (IOTs) just like all major technological developments. In the simplest terms, the IoT can be understood as…
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Can Coronavirus Stimulate India’s Journey towards a Cashless Economy?
“Necessity is the mother of invention”, it has been rightly said so. When you look back at historical moments and revolutionary changes you will observe a common pattern, most of these changes were needed at the moment. The Coronavirus outbreak has shaken economies across the globe but it has also exposed the vulnerabilities of modern…
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Commonly Used Methods for Software Product Prototyping
Understanding Software Prototyping What is software prototyping and why is it important? In a layman’s term, the software prototyping methods can be understood as a process of creating a demo version or prototype of an idea that will be eventually be converted into a software product. The software prototype helps to demonstrate some aspects of…
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Must-Have Features for Digital Signage Software/ Choosing Your Digital Signage Software
Digital signage solutions have proved to be a game-changer for advertisers. The scope and applications of this technology are growing by the day as more and more industries are adopting digital signage for their internal and external communication needs. While setting up a digital signage system it is paramount to review the backend of the…
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2 Major Applications of Machine Learning in the Fintech Segment
Artificial Intelligence technology has drastically transformed businesses that are heavily dependent on the use of progressive technology. Machine learning is a part of the bigger whole that we call Artificial Intelligence. So what exactly is machine learning? Machine Learning can be defined as an application of the artificial intelligence technology that provides systems with the…
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Why Is It Essential to Use Software Product Prototyping? / How Software Product Prototyping Helps You Win the Game? / Major Advantages of Using Software Product Prototyping
The technology around us is evolving by the day. The latest phase of industrialization is all about solving complex real-world problems using sophisticated technological solutions. As we progress further in the 21st century, software technology is becoming ubiquitous. Developing software solutions in the present is multi-faceted with a range of variables to factor in. We…
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Weighing the Benefits of a Cashless Economy
Money was originated as a mere exchange tool for buying goods and services but it has helped us achieve a lot more than that. The evolution within the banking and finance industry has been on an unprecedented scale. With the growing internet penetration, the digital world has taken the front seat and is steering the…
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Machine Learning Technology in the FMCG Landscape
We are living in an era where human beings have sophistically created machines that surpass human intelligence in multiple spheres. With the advent of the internet, we are more interconnected than ever. Technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are driving business growth with their intelligent automation and data-backed analysis. These technologies are still in…
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Defining Features of a Smart Vending Machine
Technological evolution has drastically transformed the way we interact with objects in our surrounding and also our general behaviour to a great extent. Smart devices are the norm in society, be it your phone, TV, music player, etc. everything is smarter. This general evolution has also changed the vending machines that we quite frequently use…
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The Proliferation of Cashless Payments in India
The cashless boom Digitisation has been among the prime agendas of the present government of India. Although in its nascent stage of development, the digital world has already taken the front row in the nation’s economy. The digitisation of services has been done on an unprecedented scale, especially in the banking and financial services sector.…
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Revamping Manufacturing Using Cutting-Edge Mobility Solutions
The thought of using a smartphone to complete the most complex tasks was almost unimaginable a few decades ago. Anytime and anywhere is the norm in the digital era; almost everything can be done using the internet powered smart devices giving people more flexibility in terms of operations. The fourth phase of the Industrial Revolution…
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How is Machine Learning Transforming the E-commerce Industry?
The internet has drastically transformed our world for better. With growing internet penetration and improved affordability of smartphones, the digital world has taken the front seat. It’s hard to imagine a time where we couldn’t find something we wanted on the internet. In the contemporary world, the brick and mortar stores have been replaced with…
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Essential Features That Vending Machines Today Need to Have
For every vending machine operator, it is necessary to consider the basic performance parameter of the machine, which is to vend all of the product types it was designed to vend. Another critical feature that the machine needs to have is its ability to accept most of the payment modes that customers prefer to use…
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Ways to Increase the Scope of Profits in a Vending Machine
Vending machines come in several genres, catering to a wide range customers in multiple locations. For instance, there are vending machines that are solely designed to vend out travel tokens in metro stations, offering both cash as well as cashless payment options. Similarly, there can also be smart vending solutions in a metro station that…
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Ways of Increasing Performance Efficiency of Your Vending Machine
Owning, operating and making money with a network of vending machines is fun and easy as long as they function smoothly but that can be quite challenging at times. Vending machines have grown in scope and sophistication over the years and today the best variants are equipped with next generation technologies like internet of things…
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